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Miami Film Festival


For the 2018 and 2019 editions of the Miami Film Festival, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation commissioned Kismet Creative Studio to create two :30 second spots as part of the festival’s pre-screening previews shown before each film.

The :30 second spot featured above promotes Knight Foundation’s efforts to build and establish a thriving cinematic arts community in Miami. Featuring several Miami-based filmmakers, the video tracks the process of making a film from the initial script phase through to its premiere screening at the Miami Film Festival.

The second spot, featured below, was designed to promote the launch of the ‘Made in Miami’ prize, awarding $10,000 to the best Miami-made film at the Miami FIlm Festival. The advertisement collages a series of images from films made in Miami by filmmakers and arts organizations funded by Knight Arts in the past.



For the 2016 and 2017 editions of the Miami Film Festival, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation commissioned Kismet Creative Studio to create two :30 second spots as part of the festival’s pre-screening previews shown before each film.

The :30 second spot featured above promotes Knight Foundation’s efforts to build and establish a thriving cinematic arts community in Miami. Featuring several Miami-based filmmakers and cinema curators, the video showcases Miami’s robust independent film community.

The second spot, featured below, highlights Knight Foundarion’s ongoing commitment to make ‘art general’ in Miami. The advertisement collages a series of images from work by Miami artists and arts organizations funded by Knight Arts in the past.

Kismet Creative Studio worked with Knight Foundation and Miami Film Festival to design and produce these projects from conception to completion.